Industrial Applications

Real-time Gamma-Optical Video Imaging at the point of use

A game changing tool for nuclear operations

Gamma-optical video image of a cobalt-57 source (approx. 0.2MBq) rotating on a turntable

Originally developed with the precision needed for medical applications, Seracam has great potential in a number of industrial fields, including nuclear operations. The ability to combine gamma and optical imaging to produce a live display of an area being surveyed, enables operators to see radiation in real-time with pinpoint accuracy while they are working. Seracam can localise focal areas and ‘hot spots’ even against high relative background distributions.

With new features and adaptations designed specifically for nuclear operations, Seracam can provide the operator with an image showing the distribution and exact location of gamma sources. The display shows the area under investigation with a live optical and gamma video overlay. Still and video images can be captured for review and archiving.

Showing users what they are looking at, where the radioactivity is, what size and shape it is, and the relative activity, can make tasks easier, quicker and more effective. For example, an operator involved in a clean-up activity will be able to continuously see the impact they are having on radioactivity, even in very small areas with poor visibility. This will also give a clear end point when the task is complete.

Operator-friendly: Simple, Quick, Precise

Seracam in Action: Am-241 source removal

In this video, in the left frame, Seracam is positioned above a working area during a clean-up operation for hands-free operation. In the right frame a simultaneous screen shot of the operator’s view through the Seracam display screen is shown. An americium-241 source is identified and safely removed to a lead container. The operator can see the change happening in real-time.

Seracam features:

A pdf detailing Seracam’s key features is available here.

High resolution gamma-optical imaging of multiple technetium-99m sources (141 keV) in close proximity

Breakthrough Technology

Research into nuclear industry applications commenced as an academic project at Loughborough University, selected as part of the Sellafield Ltd “Game Changers” innovation programme which finds solutions for complex nuclear industry challenges. Serac Imaging Systems is continuing this work for commercial application in collaboration with Loughborough University. Watch this video for an overview of the original Game Changers project.

Please do contact the Serac Imaging Systems team on  to find out more about Seracam and explore how real time gamma-optical video imaging could help to improve your nuclear operations.

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